Baking soda for weight loss: recipes and results

Few can boast of an iron will during weight loss. Frequent breakdowns, accompanied by excess weight, do not allow to achieve the desired results, closer to the body of your dreams. For reviews of slimming club soda diet helps in extremely short time to get rid of extra pounds, but healthy whether baking soda for weight loss and how to receive it?

How soda affects the body

soda for weight loss

Baking soda or sodium carbonate while drinking reduces the acidity of the stomach. It is not soluble in water, in the suspension reacts with gastric juice. A drink of water and sodium bicarbonate is often mistaken for heartburn, acidity. It helps eliminate uncomfortable feelings that cause these deviations in the work of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Is it possible to lose weight with soda

There are several ways to use baking soda for weight loss: drink with the addition of sodium carbonate, baths, wraps, enemas. Bathing can really save you from a couple of kilos, but not fat, and excess water in the body, and in the case of enemas is getting rid of the accumulated fecal masses. The consumption of beverages with soda, and all can harm the stomach. This method is only suitable for people with high acidity. Soda cocktail to ease the symptoms associated with disturbance of acid-alkaline balance.

How to drink soda for weight loss

Despite all the warnings about the possible harm to the body, mankind has invented several ways of drinking baking soda for weight loss. Sodium carbonate is mixed not only with water. There are combinations with milk and milk products. The action of sodium carbonate increase with the addition of lemon juice. An important role plays the time of receiving the solution with soda.

In the morning

Prepare the drink in the ratio 0.5 tsp. of baking soda and 250 ml of pure water. Divide the cocktail into a number of parts equal to the number of meals. Drink the solution half an hour before a meal for 7-14 days. After the course it is recommended to do a two-week break. Can be repeated as many times as you want your body, carefully follow the health.

If the previous method does not suit you, you can only one welcome cocktail per day. Drink on an empty stomach solution of 0.5 tsp. of baking soda and 500 ml of warm water. Eat 30 minutes later. A warm drink will run faster digestion, to help cope with a hearty Breakfast. The course only 2 times a week. Repeat your body needs a number of times. He has no strict limits. To strengthen the effect of these two ways you can use lemon slices or 0.5 tsp lemon juice.

At night

A solution of baking soda and lemon for weight loss you can take at night. In a glass of water mix 0.5 tsp of active substance and 0.5 tsp lemon juice. Drink after 30-40 minutes after the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. Recommended to use this drink after sports. Water with baking soda for weight loss very effective in this case.

It helps in removing the last traces of toxins from the body and improve lymphatic flow that will only increase the fat burning effects after an intense workout. As we know, lemon contains vitamin C which contributes to the recovery and growth of tissues. Course soda drink for the night is 2 weeks. After this period you must do a two-week break.

With yogurt

Mix 200 ml of 1% kefir, 0.5 tsp. of sodium carbonate, 0.5 tsp. ground ginger and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. Drink the cocktail immediately after preparation. In this drink you can substitute dinner. Drink it a few hours before bedtime. Spices have a good effect on fat burning. Avoiding harmful dinner will definitely help you get rid of extra pounds in just 14 days.

There are other variations of kefir cocktail. For its preparation you will need 200 ml of low-fat yogurt, 1 tsp. ground ginger, 1 tsp of honey, 0.5 tsp of sodium bicarbonate, quarter teaspoon of ground Cayenne pepper, a pinch of cinnamon and a little lemon juice. This drink can be consumed 2 times a day on an empty stomach (30 minutes before Breakfast) and dinner. After 14 days, your body is visibly transformed.


To lose weight the soda and milk you can, if you follow the instructions. Heat 200 ml of milk and dissolve in it 1 teaspoon of sodium carbonate. Drinking soda cocktail should be after 2 hours after a meal. The duration of the course and the break between them is 14 days. Milk contains such useful minerals as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, it reduces acidity and well satisfies hunger.

Soda diet for weight loss

Cleaning with baking soda is able to get rid of 4 kilos in merely two weeks. It all depends on the initial weight of that particular person. For this you need to drink based on sodium bicarbonate clear instructions. Enhance the slimming effect by using sports and some bath procedures. It should be noted that the latter are Express methods. Them the pounds go away not due to the breakdown of fat, and due to the intense perspiration in the example soda baths or wraps, or by toxins with soda enema.

Soda bath

weight loss soda

The option of weight loss with the help of baking soda in the bathroom is the place to be if prior to an important event just a few days, watch. To begin fill the tub with hot water. The temperature should be 36-37 °C. Add approximately 120 g of sodium carbonate. To mask the smell of soda you can use the flavoured sea salt and essential oils. The entire volume of water will be enough 5-7 drops. Take a tub bath until then, until she cools off.

Soda bath will save you from 2-3 kg of excess fluid in the body, and when weighing, you will see the result. Note that with the same ease pounds will be back in a couple of days. The subsequent procedure will not give such a stunning effect. At one time, you will lose about 500g of excess weight. The duration of the course no more than two weeks, after which you must make a 14-day break.

Soda wrap

So the effect was more noticeable before wrapping, it is desirable to use the scrub. It is also possible to use a small amount of sodium carbonate. He will open the pores and with prolonged use get rid of stretch marks and sagging skin. Next, stick to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of soda. You will need 1 liter of pure water and 10 g of active substance.
  2. Soak a small piece of natural fabric with the solution and wrap the problem area of the body.
  3. Take plastic wrap and wrap it the treated area to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. Soak the solution on the body for 20 minutes. Possible Allergy, burning sensation, rash. If you feel severe discomfort, immediately stop the procedure.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the treated area and apply a nourishing cream. If the redness persists for a long period of time, then use conventional or cooling means with panthenol.

Enema with baking soda

Enema with soda solution it is possible to bring the remains of feces in the intestine. So you get rid of a few pounds overweight. As the filling of the intestine after three days, you will likely return to his kilograms. As a fast weight loss methods this option can be used, but not more often than once per month. Such a procedure will have the effect of destroying parasites. Step by step instructions:

  1. Mix a solution. 1 liter of warm water will need 1 tsp of sodium carbonate.
  2. Fill an enema, insert the tip, slightly bend forward.
  3. Solution soak a few minutes in the intestine until the first urges.
  4. Enema get rid of fecal matter that has accumulated in the initial section of intestine, so you will see a plummet on the scales.


Baking soda for weight loss in the form of cocktails is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach. Not to provoke an eating disorder, do not abuse enemas with soda solution. Baths and wraps prohibited people with diseases of the skin, or in the presence of open wounds. Any procedure using sodium carbonate, soda including diet, contraindicated for pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.